

MP3 音響文件


他們在向你問候,在向你問候, 在向你問候.

Our Predestination

Oh, my friends! Are you tired on the journey of life?
Why not take a rest and listen to the song I am going to sing for you.
Oh, my friends! Are you tired on the journey of life?
Why not take a rest and listen to the song I am going to sing for you?
Birds in the sky are chirping. Trees by the roadside are swaying.
Stones on the ground are lying still. A breeze is blowing gently.
What are they doing? They are greeting you.
What are they doing? They are greeting you.
Oh, my friends! Do not go on your trip in haste and ignore them.
Take a rest and listen to my song.
You and I have predestined relationship. Myriads of things in the world are sentient.
You and I have predestined relationship. Myriads of things in the world are sentient.
Birds in the sky are chirping. Trees by the roadside are swaying.
Stones on the ground are lying still. A breeze is blowing gently.
What are they doing? They are singing Truthfulness.
What are they doing? They are singing Compassion. They are singing Forbearence.
Oh, my friends! Do not go on your trip in haste and ignore them.
Take a rest and listen to my song.
You and I have predestined relationship. Keep Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearence in the heart.
You and I have predestined relationship. Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearence exist forever.
Birds in the sky are chirping. Trees by the roadside are swaying.
Stones on the ground are lying still. A breeze is blowing gently.
What are they doing? They are singing Truthfulness.
What are they doing? They are singing Compassion. They are singing Forbearence.
Oh, my friends! Do not go on your trip in haste and ignore athem.
Please take a rest and listen to this song.



「為你而來(之二)」CD系列(五):你我有緣 朋友啊,人生旅途,你走累了嗎? 歇一歇,聽我唱首歌。 天上的鳥兒嘰嘰喳喳的叫著, 路邊的樹枝搖搖擺擺的晃著, 地上的石頭紋絲不動的躺著, 暖暖的風兒輕柔輕柔的吹著。 他們在做什麼哪? 他們在向你問候,在向你問候, 在向你問候. 朋友,不要行色匆匆,置之不理,歇一歇,聽我唱首歌。 你我皆有緣,萬物皆有靈。 天上的鳥兒嘰喳嘰喳的叫著, 路邊的樹枝搖搖擺擺的晃著, 地上的石頭紋絲不動的躺著, 暖暖的風兒輕柔輕柔的吹著。 他們在做什麼哪? 他們在歌唱「真」,在歌唱「善」,在歌唱「忍」。 朋友,不要行色匆匆,置之不理,歇一歇,聽我唱首歌。 Our Predestination Oh, my friends! Are you tired on the journey of life? Why not take a rest and listen to the song I am going to sing for you. Oh, my friends! Are you tired on the journey of life? Why not take a rest and listen to the song I am going to sing for you? Birds in the sky are chirping. Trees by the roadside are swaying. Stones on the ground are lying still. A breeze is blowing gently. What are they doing? They are greeting you. What are they doing? They are greeting you. Oh, my friends! Do not go on your trip in haste and ignore them. Take a rest and listen to my song. You and I have predestined relationship. Myriads of things in the world are sentient. You and I have predestined relationship. Myriads of things in the world are sentient. Birds in the sky are chirping. Trees by the roadside are swaying. Stones on the ground are lying still. A breeze is blowing gently. What are they doing? They are singing Truthfulness. What are they doing? They are singing Compassion. They are singing Forbearence. Oh, my friends! Do not go on your trip in haste and ignore them. Take a rest and listen to my song. You and I have predestined relationship. Keep Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearence in the heart. You and I have predestined relationship. Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearence exist forever. Birds in the sky are chirping. Trees by the roadside are swaying. Stones on the ground are lying still. A breeze is blowing gently. What are they doing? They are singing Truthfulness. What are they doing? They are singing Compassion. They are singing Forbearence. Oh, my friends! Do not go on your trip in haste and ignore athem. Please take a rest and listen to this song.