

MP3 音響文件


跨越千山萬水 我一次又一次為你而來 我因為愛你而來 可貴的中國人啊 請靜心傾聽我的心聲 法輪大法好啊 法輪大法好 切莫相信那欺世的謊言 面對暴力危險 我一次又一次為你而來 我因為愛你而來 可貴的中國人啊 你可知道全世界都說 法輪大法好啊 法輪大法好 切莫錯過這萬古機緣 Coming for You Coming from far away, Again and again, I come for you, I come with love for you. Precious Chinese people, please listen to my heart-felt voice, Wonderful Falun Dafa, Falun Dafa Hao! See the truth behind those lies. Facing violence and danger, Again and again,I come for you, I come with love for you. Precious Chinese people, do you know that the whole world says, 「Wonderful Falun Dafa, Falun Dafa Hao!」 Do not miss this precious chance. Do not miss this precious chance, this precious chance!