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My son who is almost nine years old obtained the Fa when he was fiveyears old but he could not study Fa and practice much due to staying most of the time with his mother(we are divorced), who is a non-practitioner. Recently he stayed in our home and during three consecutive meditation sessions he experienced many things. I wrote down some of his experiences. These words are not his exact words but approximately conveys what he told me.

During our first meditation session I saw two different dimensions at the same time with two versions of our red house(where we live) present in both dimensions. The two red houses were constantly moving up during our meditation session and at the end of our session both houses had risen three levels from their original level. During the meditation I saw that Master and his Buddha picture hanging in our living room moved in and out of our red houses during the whole session. Master had to go out and find new sentient beings to save at each level as we rose up in cultivation.

that it became harder and harder for Master to find new sentient beings that were salvageable, Master worked extremely hard to search for new sentient beings to save at each level. Many people care less and less about Falun Gong as their moral standard is constantly downgraded and therefore their surface body is now harder to wake up when we clarify the truth. At this stage it is very hard for Master to find good people to save to our paradises and therefore we must hurry up as much
as possible to help Master save more sentient beings.

During the next meditation session I mostly saw colors as we meditated. I could see that I was moving up three steps on the heavenly staircase during that meditation session. The following day I did not meditate and later during that night I woke up with terrible stomach cramps. I tried to think that it did not hurt and that the pain was good for me. Finally the pain subsided and I could go back to sleep. In the morning I knew it had happened because I had to pay back karma at each level of the heavenly staircase.

During the third meditation I enterred a dimension where I could see different dimensions of the Universe at my limited level. Master was there, appearing as a huge Buddha holding the tiny earth inside his forehead. I felt great joy in my heart when Master greeted me with his one-handed greeting sign and I did the ´Heshi´ sign to Master. Master read the book Zhuan Falun to me. I tried to sit in the Lotus position during Master´s lecture.

In the other dimensions I saw many Dafa disciples and some righteous Gods like Buddha Shakyamuni, the laughing Buddha(Budai), Jesus and Odin etc. I was surprised when Buddha Shakyamuni came up to me and greeted me with a smile.

The old Gods are bigger than the Dafa disciples but they still belong to the old Universe. I was much smaller than Master´s little toe in the other dimension but Master could still communicate with me and I felt many things in my heart.

There is a battle between good and evil in the Universe and I could see that the evil demons try to break into the ´Dafa dimension´ where Master teaches the Fa to his Dafa disciples. Only if someone is in that dimension can he hear Master teach the Fa. The evil demons try to steal the book Zhuan Falun from the Dafa practitioners. Every time when they try to break into the ´Dafa dimension´ Master destroys them. The Dafa practitioners biggest asset is the book Zhuan Falun and the book is the very foundation to rise to higher levels. There are all kinds of Dafa practitioners and I could see that any person who had just read and understood in their heart a few pages of Zhuan Falun had enterred into the ´Dafa dimension and was counted as a Dafa practitioner. For example, my grandfather who is almost 70 years old had only read a part of chapter one in Zhuan Falun but he had already developed a tiny practitioner shield and was counted as a Dafa practitioner. His field of
virtue had also grown during the last year.

I could see many Dafa practitioners, Dafa disciples and their levels. I saw that during that session I was at level 62 on the heavenly staircase with a bronze armour in one dimension, my bronze armour looked like the armour of the terracotta warriors in ancient times. My low level is due to me not having studied the Fa enough and also I did not practice much. I could not see how much virtue and karma I had. There are many Dafa practitioners with silver and golden armours and the highest disciple that I saw had risen to level 115 on the heavenly staircase. Male and female practitioners have different armours and the higher they go the more beautiful they become. At the extremely high level the swords that the Dafa disciples use to fight the evil are very big and heavy but they
can still handle them as if they are very light. Due to my low level my sword was more like the size of a knife and it was not very effective when I used it to fight the evil. Dafa practitioners have many different and unique weapons and many Dafa practitioners use gongfu to fight the evil. Male Dafa practitioners tend to always use gongfu as one of their weapons against the evil while some female disciples have their own special weapons.

I could see my father and how he had developed since the last time I saw him, about a year ago. This time he was standing on level 78 of the heavenly staircase and half his body karma had been paid off since my last vision. He had risen between four to five levels on the heavenly staircase since last year. Also, his body armour had gone from all silver to half silver and half gold due to half of his body karma being paid off, and his growing Falun was spinning on his right side where his golden armour had developed. He manifested as a winged heavenly lion in some dimensions and the lion eliminated many evil beings.

My second cousin who is 10 years old had gotten into bad habits and she always argued with her mother. My father wanted to help her so that she could learn about Dafa cultivation, traditional principles and how to behave as a traditional girl. She came to us and was very receptive and
she has seen many wonderful scenes from other dimensions. I could see that she had already risen to level 70 and she is now very keen on studying the Fa and practicing the exercises. After a few times of meditation practice she could put up her legs in double Lotus without touching them with her hands.

I believe that the three of us come from the Daoist system, also some other practitioners from our local Fa study group that I saw came from the Daoist system. At the end I could see how my cultivation level rose and then I flew up and into my next lifetime. I could see the flag of the region where I am going to reincarnate during my next lifetime. In order to be able to save their sentient beings and succeed with their cultivation Dafa practitioners must reach the level of the body of the golden armour level in another dimension. Only when there is a certain minimum area of gold in the armour can the Falun break through the surface shell of the armour in the other dimension and become visible from the outside, spinning back and forward in the goldenarmour.

Every Dafa practitioner is unique and some of them have developed many layers of Lotus flowers, I saw someone that had accumulated more than fifteen layers of Lotus flowers. Some Dafa disciples have huge protective shields which include all their sentient beings that they have saved, the saved sentient beings are visible in the protective shield of each practitioner. The size of the protective shield is related to the cultivation level. All Dafa practitioners have different supernormal abilities and magic skills. All of what they have come from our great benevolent Master.

For a portion of Dafa practitioners it is too late to make up for their wrongdoings. The two main reasons are that they either didn´t study the Fa enough and/or have done stupid things. They can not have a next lifetime and their situation is extremely sad.

This is just some limited understanding at my limited cultivation level. Please kindly feedback anything inappropriate to me.


