







我代表評委會在感謝新唐人為舉辦本次大賽所作努力的同時,也為在座的和所有參賽的畫家感到高興並致以祝賀!當然在某種程度上也有些遺憾,就是有些技法很好畫派也正的畫家,由於對本大賽的要求尚不夠明確,這次沒能拿到大獎;不過值得欣慰的是:他們和大家一樣,已經知道什麼是人應有的藝術,走在了藝術回歸正路的大道上,也將會有輝煌的成就。因為我們和創世主同在, 將是人類真正藝術的主力軍,引領整個人類的藝術沿著正路發展與前進。

創世主告誡我們:「神傳給人藝術的目地是為了能使人表達人類所崇尚的善與美」,又說:「在你們的作品中也要表現美好、表現正、表現純、表現善、表現光明。」 還說:「神在庇護著人類,人要做好就會有善果。」

這裡我要給大家透露一個很高的天機:我們都是帶著崇高的使命從最美好的天國來兌現誓約的;今天能夠走到這裡來的畫家,都是有很大緣份的,有人想來也會因為各種干擾和原因來不了。 再一個天機:人的元神是不滅的,由於在你生生世世的輪迴轉生中封塵太厚,忘掉了自己的記憶,今天我們要沿著藝術創作的正路,越做越好,走回美好的家園。



新唐人電視台舉辦的全世界人物寫實油畫大賽確實起到了互相交流提高的作用。如有一位畫家雖未接受美術學院的教育,但在參加本項大賽的過程中虛心學習,在名家的專業指導之下,不斷提高,潛心創作,連續兩屆獲得金獎;在2014年獲得了本項大賽最高獎項的一位畫家,在中國最權威的中央美術學院附中部學了四年,大學部學了五年,可是他說這九年中在創作上什麼也沒學到,而是在參加本大賽的過程中學會了創作。 還有一位其作品曾在世界各地很多博物館展出、並有多件作品被收藏的現代派畫家,他用寫實技法創作了一幅表達現代變異觀念的作品來參賽,但是沒有獲獎。經過交流,他心悅誠服的改變了觀念,並立起大拇指說:「你們辦這樣大賽的舉動太偉大了!理念太好了!我也要回歸傳統,我下一個展覽的名稱就改為「回歸」。」他特意買了兩本大賽的畫冊,說是要放到他的畫展上,並請我提供建議。我說:「你是真正的藝術家!  」





























Words from Chief Judge


Cherishing   Predestined Relationships

Different understandings of art history lead to different forms of

artistic expression, as well as interpretation and evaluation of what

makes genuine fine art. A simple metaphor to describe this would be: A

fly finds pleasure merely playing in waste; the tortoise and hare can

only race on land while the eagle has free rein in the sky; the dragon

is capable of turning the sea; and the caregiving of all living things

is the eternal gratification of Gods and Buddhas.


Following the Universe’s law of creation, stasis, degeneration, and

destruction, the traditional moral values that God left for humanity

have, in the field of artistic creation, as well as in society at large,

been all but lost.  Art has always served as the weather vane and

thermometer of human society. As human morality has declined, art has

mutated along with it.


In the march of history, and the steady decline in the chaotic tangle of

human depravity, the undercurrent of human artistic expression has

become what it is.  All that is left from the previous eras of artistic

glory are a few of the original techniques.


Without the artistic techniques created and perfected by generations of

masters of the arts, there would be no genuine art to speak of. But

looking at the fine art created today, how many pieces can be found that

are both profound in content and meaning as well as perfect in technique

and form? How many can be regarded as true, sacred artistic creations?


In the book, 「The Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World", published

by The Epoch Times, there is a most frightening reality spelled out. The

book explains how communism and the evil specter driving it have mutated

the aesthetic taste of human beings and suppressed the wisdom and

spirituality of artists, as well as of society at large.


Authentic artists are truly good-minded, yet they have been swept up by

the current of modern consciousness and have lost the will to create

true masterpieces with the upright moral inspiration and techniques that

once existed.  The degeneration of art, as well as the moral climate in

general, far exceeds that of any other period of time throughout the

history of human civilization.


However, trends, whether material or ethereal, tend to reverse when

reaching the extreme.  In these times when humankind dances with

destruction, Buddhas, Daos, and Gods are ultimately in control and human

life is in their hands. It is they who provide opportunities for mankind

to alter its course and save themselves from destruction.


The incomparably compassionate Creator has already come to the world to

spread the law of universe.  While he is rectifying the law of universe, he is

also caring for the predestined people in the field of the arts.


In view of that understanding, NTD Television, a global multi language

broadcasting company, has taken the initiative to invite exceptional oil

painters from all over the world to compete in their realistic oil

painting competition.


The intent of this competition is to inspire artists to produce works of

exceptional quality in both technique and content. The ultimate outcome

is the creating of a bridge, to a path of return to higher moral values

and eternal prosperity for humankind, expressed through the medium of

oil painting.


This competition is an unprecedented opportunity to demonstrate your

talent to a wide audience while helping forge the path back to true,

authentic fine art as developed and created by the great Masters of the



To identify with the goal of this contest is truly remarkable in this

era of declined morals and degenerate art. To enter your work and be

selected as a finalist is a magnificent achievement for an artist

seeking to perfect their technique and show their work on an

international stage.


The NTD international figure competition, and the inspiration behind it,

are a significant contribution in providing humanity with a platform to

regain its upright moral footing, both in the arts and society.


NTD is hosting this art competition in order to forge a path back to

truly fine art. NTD is encouraging all the participants to produce works

that are truly inspiring. Not only in technique, but in content that is

in concert with traditional concepts of human life and its relationship

with the divine.


By participating in this endeavour, you are part of a groundbreaking

effort to pave a path for humankind to return to the heavenly principles

of truth, compassion, and endurance that have repeatedly triumphed over

the decay of moral values and sustained the course of human history to

this day. Being able to accept this challenge is, in itself, a truly

righteous act.


This is the fifth NTD figure painting competition. From 258 contestants

from 46 countries, 402 works of art were entered. Of those, 88

contestants and 104 artistic works made it past the qualifying round.


I want to thank NTD Television for hosting the competition and I want

to thank and congratulate the painters who have submitted their work.

I regret that some of you were not selected as finalists in the

competition; the good news is, you have already embarked on the road of

returning art to its righteous path.


I look forward to your winnings in the next and future competitions.


I firmly believe that you will make brilliant achievements, because you

are committed to creating true fine art. As artists with a passion for

inspiring humanity towards goodness in your works, you will be helping

NTD bring back the true purpose of humanity’s fine art tradition.


The Creator has told us: 「The reason Gods passed the arts on to human

beings was to enable humans to express the goodness and beauty that

mankind upholds」, as well as 「in your artwork you should display what’s

beautiful, what’s upright, what’s pure, what’s good, and what’s bright

and positive.」, and 「Gods are protecting mankind, and when human beings

do good things, it will result in good things for them.」


Here, I will disclose a great heavenly secret. The painters who are able

to come here today have great predestined relationships. Some people

want to come, but are unable to due to various disturbances and reasons.

We all come from the most beautiful heaven carrying our missions.

Another heavenly secret – a person’s primordial spirit does not perish.

It’s only that in your life’s numerous reincarnations, the dust has been

layered on too thick, and you have forgotten your own memories. Today we

have to follow the righteous path of artistic creation and through

continuing to do good things, return to our old home.


Within art there are different levels, different personalities, and

different realms, which compose different understandings of art. Art is

the outward expression of an artist’s inner world.


If you want to create a magnificent piece of art, you have to beautify

your inner world. As the saying goes, chicken innards can』t give birth

to a phoenix. Only by becoming a phoenix can you give birth to one. The

process of cleansing oneself is one of constantly assimilating to the

higher characteristics of the universe. It is a continuous process of

wisdom and enlightenment. It is synonymous with being 「in the Tao

without cultivating the Tao."


A poem states: 「The flow of wisdom is one of purification. The

master climbs the ladder to heaven.」


In fact, it is the process of continuously removing the bad

thoughts of human beings, and returning to one’s original

heavenly home. At the same time, there is the law of 「no loss, no gain」

and 「good is rewarded and evil is punished」 in the universe. Some people

say that art is the lubricant and accelerator for the rise and fall of

society. The artist is the engineer of the human soul. When you

create a series of good works and play a good role in human society,

isn』t this a great virtue? One’s virtue is as high as one’s

character. However much virtue you accumulate is how much glory

you will enjoy. Lives in the universe have hierarchies, and you will be

gods at different levels. Even if some painters are not satisfied with

their work, they will gain however much they put in. Their virtue will

be converted into blessings, such as becoming a big official or making a

fortune, in the next life. At the very least, you will not run with the

corrupted social atmosphere by creating tasteless works that endanger

humans and create karma. From this perspective, aren』t you not only

creating a glorious period for human art, but also paving the way for

your life’s eternal happiness?


As to what kind of standards the future world will set for art and

for artists, there is already zero doubt. Moreover, the worldwide

realistic oil painting competition held by NTD Television

has indeed played the role of sparking mutual dialogue and improvement.


For example, one artist never attended a fine arts academy, but won the

gold prize for two consecutive competitions. Another painter said that he

attended the authoritative Central Academy of Fine Arts in China,

with four years in the auxiliary department and five years in the

university department. However, he didn』t learn anything about artistic

creation, which he learned in the process of participating in this

competition. He won the competition’s highest award in 2014. The

awarding of the competition is fair by principle, because the

exhibitions are held openly, and the competition albums are preserved to

be gauged at any time. As another example, there was an artist whose

works have been exhibited in art museums around the world, and many of

his works have been collected. As he entered our competition as a famous

modern artist using realism techniques to express deviated modern

notions, we didn』t give him an award. After communicating with him, he

changed his mind with great conviction. He said while holding a thumbs

up, 「Your motive for holding this competition is so great! The

philosophy is excellent!」 He also wanted to return to tradition. The

name of his next solo exhibition was changed to 「return", and he also

bought two albums from the competition which he said he would place in

his exhibition. He asked me to say a few words to him. I said, 「You are

a true artist!"


Many artists have given a lot of positive feedback. They very much

agree with the philosophy of the competition. In the previous

competition, a painter pointed to the foreword of the competition,

saying that he had already carefully read it four times, but still wants

to read it. Some people with strong experiences said that New Tang

Dynasty’s worldwide realistic oil painting competition is like a

lighthouse, in the sea of the night, gathering artists with similar

ideals; others have said that in the process of participating in the

contest, the light in their hearts brightened.


Below are two poems on the topic of artistic creation to share with



Great Art

Techniques must be refined and pure

Great art needs good people.

A drive reaching heaven

Don』t be an ordinary artisan, be a great god.


Cultivate oneself to be pure and upright, optimistic and compassionate

From the minuscule to the vast

Broad thoughts reaching high, far, and deep


Beautiful, wondrous, and new

Anointing the head with the finest cream, the opening of hearts and


Once viewed, drunk in harmony, and a soul reconstructed

Exuberant and excelling, all heavenly works


Here’s a few more lines to share with those with exceptionally good

inborn quality and predestined relationships.


Returning Home


Righteous Cultivation, the springs and caves of wisdom opened

A pure and beautiful heart, heavenly works and divine light

Scattering golden light saving the world’s people

Carrying acclaim back to the heavenly celestial paradise


Since I cherish our predestined relationship to be with each other, I

wanted to share with everyone words from the bottom of my heart. Let’s

work together to create even more beautiful everlasting fine art!

Thank you all!


Kunlun Zhang

Chief Judge

NTD Television International Figure Painting Competition




