加拿大阿爾伯塔省省長傑森·肯尼(Jason Kenney)2020年7月20針對中國共產黨迫害法輪功發表了以下聲明:
Falun Gong persecution: Statement from Premier Kenney
Premier Jason Kenney issued the following statement on the Chinese Communist Party’s campaign against Falun Gong:
「Today marks the 21st anniversary of the Communist Party of China’s violent repression of the spiritual cultivation practice of Falun Gong.
「Before July 20, 1999, the Communist Party of China tolerated and even encouraged the practice of Falun Gong, but since then it has persecuted adherents and detained them without due process. Credible reports describe the torture of many Falun Gong practitioners in detention, up to and including death.
「On this sad and solemn anniversary, we remember these martyrs to freedom of conscience and religion and we admire and applaud the strength and courage of the millions of Falun Gong practitioners still suffering persecution under a campaign of fear and intimidation that extends beyond the borders of the People’s Republic of China.」