

(英文版 第77頁中國)背景部分:


(英文版 第78頁中國)打壓精神運動和宗教團體部分:

法輪功精神運動是中共打壓的重點。對法輪功修煉者的非法拘禁案例現在不斷地被外界披露出來。很多人不經審判被送進勞教所服苦役,接受所謂的「再教育」。勞教所環境惡劣,很多人都隨時可能被施以酷刑或虐待。尤其是法輪功學員如果拒絕放棄自己的信仰,等待他們的更是厄運。還有一些法輪功修煉者被關進監獄和精神病院。海外法輪功數據顯示,自從1999的鎮壓開始,有據可查的就有1000(目前的死亡人數是 2377-譯者)法輪功學員在拘禁中被折磨致死。

(英文版 第79頁中國)酷刑、非法拘禁和非法審判部分:


Paragraphs relates to Falun Gong human rights in Amnesty International Report 2005
Under China ? Background section (page 77):

「Political crackdowns continued on specific groups, including the Falun Gong spiritual movement, unofficial Christian groups, and so-called 『separatists』 and 『religious extremists』 in Xinjiang and Tibet.」
Under China ? Repression of spiritual and religious groups section (page 78)

「The Falun Gong spiritual movement remained a key target of repression, which reportedly included many arbitrary detentions. Most of those detained were assigned to periods of 「re-education through Labour」 without charge or trial, during which they were at high risk of torture or ill-treatment, particularly if they refused to renounce their beliefs. Others were held in prisons and psychiatric hospitals. According to overseas Falun Gong sources, more than 1,000 people detained in connection with the Falun Gong had died since the organisation was banned in 1999, mostly as a result of torture or ill-treatment.」

Under China - Torture, arbitrary detention and unfair trials section (page 79)

「In October, Falun Gong organisations abroad publicized video footage of Wang Xia, a women who had recently been released from prison in Hohhot, Inner Mogolia where she had served two years of a seven-year sentence for distributing materials promoting Falun Gong. She appeared emaciated and her body bore several scars. She had reportedly been tied to a bed, hung up, beaten, injected with unknown substances and shocked with electric batons after going on hunger strikes to protest against her detention.」


